"Radical" Feminism
Many use the addendam "radical" with "feminism" as if to say that they are not against feminism per se but against the more radical elements of it: the feminism that has sought to promote abortion, hatred of men, etc. But they claim that feminism of itself is rather a good thing: that it has liberated women. But I would ask how has it liberated women?
I for one will fight it if it has freed them from their glorious femininity. For it is indeed the firm strength a handmaiden had at the approach of an angel. But now it is endangered in our present egalitarian Eden. The current credo would have the female mimic maleness which fudges the fineness that is the feminine. It is taking the delicacy of a piece of bone china and remaking it into an ordinary masculine mug. May we not be so deceived. At its roots feminism seeks to alter the archetype of what began as unfallen Adam and the immaculate Eve. It cries out against God's original. May, it be otherwise. May what Elisabeth Elliot called"the glorious inequality" not be erased, but celebrated by us who love how God latticed the universe.
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