Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Utopia of Free Things

Well now our generous, gracious, munificent president has decided that community colleges should be free. Why, I wonder, does he stop there? Why not all colleges? I've always had an inkling to take classes at say, Yale, or Dartmouth, or perhaps abroad at Oxford or Cambridge or even the Puritan Harvard but tuition was a stopper. Back in the day the odd notion was that one saved up for what one wanted whether it be a knapsack, a plattoon of plastic soldiers, or college.  How ludicrous it seems now when government with their unlimited finances can make any fantasy real! How foolish were we and our ancestors saving up a meager allowance! (By the by I wonder when minimum wage legislation will come to the aid of a kid's allowance---quite overdue don't you think?). Certainly today it does seem awfully quaint and antiquated this idea of savings and spending one's own money when our very generous government is opening up the treasury for so many things. I am quite relieved (as no doubt nearly all citizens of FREEdom must be) to be under an administration that seeks to eliminate the foolish capitalist concept of delaying gratification by having anything like a savings account or buying anything out of one's own checkbook. I must say it is about time we did have free stuff---and learning, free learning should be universally adopted and it looks, in my limited prophetical perspective, that it won't be long before EVERYTHING will be free. Think of it! Imagine for instance being able to go into WHOLE FOODS without wallet or purse and simply lift whatever beckons the palate right off the organic cage-free shelf, or stopping at a dealership and simply removing the free keys to a free ignition of a free Lexus without in the least hesitation. Or being able to simply head out to the luxurious lifestyle that awaits one in say, Santa Barbara, and asking for the house-keys of a complex complete with free furniture, freezer and fridge full of the latest genetically modified foods. But wait, the Utopia of Free Things does not end there: imagine how freeing it must be to be able to stop at the local Jeweler's with a desire for diamonds and having such a desire completely satisfied simply by way of the taxpayer's tab. Well, heaven couldn't be better than such a Utopia as that!

Of course we will be in debt (I only mean this in a figurative, purely figurative sense) to the present Government Guardians---certainly we must allow that they are so much more enlightened than previous presidents and legislatures who had the queer concept of citizens not getting governmental gifts but paying their own way. Now this seems to be all changed. Now with such a generous Head of State at the helm who understands so well how free stuff contributes to FREEdom and the utopia he seeks to usher in.  Why wouldn't it be a crime against compassion not to redistribute all the wealth? Thus, we find the present propositions seek to eliminate in various societal spheres the obstacle of money...this is quite a relief. Though I am past taking advantage of such a generous offer of free community college I am not so naive as to not expect this to be only the beginning of ubiquitous availability of the FREE in the utopia of free things. Why under this most munificent Manager we have affordable health, the bailouts of mismanaged auto companies, free learning---to just name a few. Certainly there is hope for the cancellation of all debt, a freedom that would free (forgive the use of the word as a verb here) us to live wherever we wished, eat whatever our palates desired, and on and on. But on this latest delight:  free community college---- I'm quite thankful too to all the professors that will be donating their time and effort, and all the booksellers that will be donating all their books, all the energy companies donating the heat in the winter months and the air conditioning in the summer.  But I must add that I don't see why at this point we don't immediately extend free to other things like toll booths, and most especially make taxes free. Now there is a utopia of free things that I could find almost irresistible. 


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