The Fundamentalist Darwinist
A trend has been happening ever since the Scopes Trial and that has accelerated recently even among those who would consider themselves fairly conservative: And that is to caricature the fundamentalist as a Neanderthal who is simple-minded (actually a compliment when biblically considered). I find it ironic that the current culture has made us a critic ourselves that have imbibed a fundamentalism as well. Go to any academic setting and you will find an ironclawed fundamentalist Darwinism. What for me is disheartening is that such a dogmatic approach in favor of the Origin of Species seems to have so infected many in Catholic circles as it has in liberal Protestantism---so much so that our own fundamentalism is not even noticed. Have we been so indoctrinated that we don't even recognize our dogmatic Darwinism? Can it be said that our lampooning of those who held the Bible so high that they often kept to a literal reading of the Bible is not the best exercise of fraternal correction, if indeed correction be needed. For isn't it the fundamentalist reading of Scripture which is the one that actually makes a case for the great behemoth (book of Job). And can we not thank the fundamentalist as well for keeping alive the literal resurrection of Christ and the importance of the Bible when so many were 'educated' out of it?
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