Friday, June 9, 2017

The Crime of Faith Healing

A story comes out from Oregon about a couple that believes in faith healing and because they didn't make use of the medical profession and the baby died are being charged with murder. The story lampoons the fact that they prayed for their baby (heaven forbid!) and used natural medicinal oils in anointing and application. So had they forcibly had the baby suctioned out of the womb before the actual birth they would've been lauded as a modern emancipated couple not being tied to any outworn notion of the sanctity of the womb...but because this is after the fact of birth and I do indeed wonder if the fact that the couple actually believes in God's ability to heal---we know this now through science that this is a fallacious superstition---that this does not lend them sympathy in our Darwinian age. And of course we know that the State and Culture love children, and it is for this reason and this reason alone that they wish, through the full force of the law, to persecute. It has nothing to do with this so culpable couple being so superstitious, superstitious as Jesus who believed in the power of His Father to heal. All I can say is we better go back in time and jail Jarius who had the temerity to seek out the carpenter from Nazareth to heal his daughter.


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