Monday, May 6, 2013

Color: and the aqua marine contacts

Color is large part of aesthetics, and identifying someone. I remember when my mother tried aqua marine contacts. I hardly knew her. For I had never known her eyes to be other than the the color of coffee with a good dosage of cream, or pennies newly minted, or the copper leaves of the beech in autumn, or the last pastels when the sun has retreated behind the hills. And though each analogy was still quite impoverished, one thing was certain: an aqua-marine sea they were not. And it was disconcerting because the woman that looked upon me at that moment was a stranger, even though her voice, her height, her facial structure, her cheekbones, her generous smile were all the same. But all of it under the strange light of this new color made---not just her irises--but her whole being---unrecognizable. For me the eyes are the most influential features of the face and when they had changed so had my ability to retrieve her. Yes, there is purpose to the individual colors, especially of the eyes; for the old adage rings a truth when it says of them that they are the windows of the soul.


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