morning at the bird sanctuary
Morning at the bird sanctuary...a black and white warbler, myrtle warbler (yellow-rump), magnolia warbler, parula warbler, yellowthroat, blue-headed vireo, baltimore oriole (female), catbird, red-bellied woodpecker (which I heard a few times before finally seeing), red-winged blackbird, downy woodpecker, and house wren. Most of these were new sightings I will add to my life-list (this a list birders keep as they check off sightings of various species). Most of my sightings still are new and exotic. I hope that the common red-wing blackbird or the black and white warbler (common I am told) thrill me always and that I can appreciate the lovely song of the house wren no matter how much of an everyday occurance it is. May familiarity, instead of breeding contempt,provide a breeding ground for never tiring thanksgivings.
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