Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Things Visibly Seen

For some reason I've had a few interchanges with those who hold that God does not exist in the past few days. And often I hear people of this persuasion say that many believe for want of comfort. But I with Lewis would respond that a glass of port wine would serve that purpose very well. For me anyway, I would answer that my belief hinges on a few things. Perhaps the most pressing bit of evidence for me is the exquisite design of the universe. It is the design in a blade of grass, in the massive quantity of wood that is within an acorn that is smaller than a golf ball; the form of the magnificent elm, the scent of the pepper bush, the exquisite perimeter of a Japanese maple leaf, the flexibility of a willow switch, the durability of a cast iron skillet, the aroma that wafts off the same skillet when bacon and eggs are cooking of a morning, a morning itself that brings with it the sun and a lighted sky after a prolonged night. These just a few things that I can't conceive just happened through cosmic coincidence. These just a few things that I must consider at least were from design done by a Designer who must leave us with a continual astonishment that will not go away.


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