Saturday, November 14, 2015

White Privilege at the Library

Just had a good long discussion with the director at the library here concerning the 'Mirroring Ourselves: Seeing White Privilege" and one of the people running it was on the Task Force for Racial Justice. I asked her, "Doesn't that tell you something?" Since we are inclusivist would we have a series with different ethnic groups featured? I went on to explain that this is divisive and increasing the narrative where all we do is talk about race and victimhood all day long. Le...t us do what MLK suggested and look to the content of character rather than the color of skin? I then relayed how such a characterization paints with a broad brush and does it include my Uncle Henry that got killed in the war who was, one could say, privileged to die for his country over the Pacific, or my grandmother who was a widow and lived without government assistance in a cold water flat and raised two boys on pennies?


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