Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Another Angst Introduced

It strikes me as queer that all these posters on "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" plaster the walls of this christian campus. With all these warnings I would think this small little college must be one of the most sexually violent in New England. Yet, I hadn't heard of even one rape in the news. I looked at one of the ubiquitious posters more closely: the first talk will be: "Hunting Ground Habitats"; the next: "Look Out For Your Siblings". I tried to make sense of why such a peaceful, quiet, campus would advocate such an angst among its students. Could it possibly be the same impetus that had not long ago been the dominant wall-paper here: "White Privilege Awareness", "Racial Awareness", "Islamophobia Disease Awareness", "Homophobic Awareness", and so many other critical awarenessess. Perhaps higher education means that students must be made or manufactured to be the most aware people in such a white-male-dangerous universe.


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