Friday, March 25, 2016

Refugees at the Last Supper

I am continually amazed by the responses I get that since Francis himself shows us Christ in his washing of the feet of refugees (most notably Islamic refugees) that this de facto shows compassion. Further that this compassion is Christ himself and this particular compassion is what Christ had uppermost in his mind and that by inference he would be all for open boarders---a political question given the sanction of a religious imperative. The inference is that 'refugees' of the Islamic stripe (others like Chaldean Christians are conveniently left out) should be given a carte blanche acceptance to this country on the other side of the globe that is religiously and culturally quite foreign to theirs. And yet for all the compassion trumpeted for these young male 'refugees' there seems to be an inordinate apathy concerning those that have had their limbs blown off. Inexplicably missing is the requisite compassion for those true victims of Brussels, San Bernadino, the Boston Marathon, Fort Hood, and now an Iraq football event. Should we not consider for a moment those that now have no physical feet left to wash? Where is the committed compassion for these and those who will be maimed and killed in the future? And has the Pope and his bishops considered that the more Islamic a country invites itself to become the less Christian it will of necessity be? Just something to think about.


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