Friday, March 4, 2016

Division in the GOP

It is interesting I think how divided we are. On walking home I got talking with an acquaintance concerning politics. He was vehemently opposed to Trump because Trump evidently had threatened a man with a 'punch in the nose' over his heckling. And yet he was for Hillary who is one of the great advocates for a 'woman's right to choose'. He got so heated against Trump and for Hillary that I wasn't sure if he wouldn't think I might be a worthy recipient of a punch in the nose. I... tried to figure out why is a 'punch in the nose' so much worse than suctioning out, limb by limb, a precious little one from the womb. One, Trump's response, would have been a typical man's response a couple generations ago. The other was pretty much unthought of and so against the nature of a mother's love that it was and is quite unimaginable. But now Trump's 'threat' is now violence, while Hillary's health is essential for the health of our families. Well. As a Dickens' character once opined, "Let me now retire to Bedlam."


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