Yet, another attack. And I would hazzard to bet that no one thought it might have come from a disgruntled Brussullinian Baptist, or a Lithuanian Lutheran, a Norwegian Congregationalist, a Tridentine Catholic. And though we haven't heard from our President yet, I would bet again that he will accentuate the fact that there are dangerous fundamentalists in all religions and the egalitarian notion would be prominent in his mind that all religions have zealots and that all religions can be religions of war---excepting of course the religion of peace---and that no religion should be singled out as perhaps advocating, heaven forbid, the use of the sword. And perhaps he would even highlight that it was the Christian who brought forth a Crusade with no apparent reason, completely unprovoked. I perhaps err on expecting he will further emphasise that such a bigoted imperialistic religion as Christianity was without a shred of being instigated by the peaceful religion that lies across the desert to the East.
And may we not be told that the perpetrators have legitimate gripes against the West and treat those who really did lose such a precious gift of life as mere statistics. May these precious lives so quickly cut down be appreciated as perhaps one day being our own if we continually lack the will to go against the idol we have erected of political correctness. And for those dead: requiescant in pace Christi.
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