Considering Trump and the Gospel
I realize I'm going out on a limb here. But I must confess that I am liking Trump more and more. Here is a fallible human being who needs the tremendous influence of God's amazing grace just as we all do. Yes, I wonder at all those who have written him off as someone who has sinned (haven't we all)---and isn't there something in the Gospel about forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and isn't there something about beholding the splinter in your brother's eye and neglecting the beam in your own? And isn't there something about the King that forgave his servant the massive 10,000 talent debt and that same servant who wouldn't forgive his servant's debt of a mere penny? I just wonder what 'puritan' spirit has taken hold of this otherwise licentiousness whoremongering culture to sew the scarlet letter upon this man? All for an indiscretion of what was private speech? All at the risk of promoting the election of one who would drop the Supreme Court's gavel on the frail form of religious liberty? All for the promotion of such progressive progeny as Planned Parenthood where babies are extracted from the sacred space that God Himself put in the central part of a woman's anatomy? Can we not see? Are we indeed blind and deaf and dumb in our politically corrected senses? I just hope and pray that we will not, in the end, suffer from a Hitlarian hangover after election day.
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