Tuesday, September 19, 2017

She is Carrying an Illegal Child

On Catholic radio the phrase.... "she is carrying an illegal child". What happens in China, said the priest being interviewed, was that such a woman would be brought to one of the many clinics throughout the country to undergo Cesarean section to have the child removed and disposed of. The priest went on to say that he witnessed this before he was a man of faith and as someone who didn't see anything wrong in abortion. But being in China and witnessing the women brought to the room where the disposal would take place, their motherly wailing, the cold sterility with which the little life would be removed, he came to see the great evil; and in seeing the great evil realized that such an evil must of necessity imply the existence of a great good. After more reflection he understood that to know such a great good could only mean that there was a creator of good, and that creator was the God of Christianity. And then he became a Christian, and then he became a priest.


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