An Unfortunate Role
I must unfortunately protest the actor Robert Duval who had the poor judgement to play Robert E. Lee in the movie, Gods and Generals. What was he thinking? Could he be so lacking in judgement appropriate to the times that such a role was suicide to his career? And not only was he playing a---I guess the adjective in Webster's now is 'Hitlerian', yes, a Hitlerian general, but just look at the title of the film: it mentions "God". And not in derision... so at best the movie must be merely polyannish, or a religious tract. Wouldn't Duval see that this mention of Deity in anything but derogatory terms was a deathblow to the populaity of a film? But even more to the point: to present this Virginia despot as a man that believed in God was to prejudice all us enlightenment educated elites against it! Didn't the producers of this film (and Duval himself) realize that they were participating in the spread of Intolerance and unDiversity? Didn't they realize to make this film would be to step out of our Hate Free Zones into the great Hate Zone which was (and is) the South? I do hope no one within the sound of my humble hate-free tolerant voice will provide one dime of patronage on such a film and renounce any allegiance to such an actor. Perhaps if only Duval could've played some real hero, someone like Robespierre...
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