Monday, August 14, 2017


So much political opportunism occurring from Charlottesville. Marx would be smiling for the Marxian paradigm is in full affect. The aggravation of conflict---begun, by the way, by the destruction of southern history, the removing of cultural heroes like Lee, Beauregard, Jackson, Jefferson Davis (whether they are heroes can be debated for another time), demonizing the South as synonomous with Nazi Germany ...what does one expect? When any race sees themselves as demonized as is now happening by the self righteous Marxist moralists, does anyone in their right mind not imagine there will not be pushback? People will resist this kind of bullying by the moral busybodies of our day and yes, ugliness will come out---for in man, as the Bible tells us, there is darkness without the light of Christ. And when everything is marked with the damning charge of racism and every one that seeks to keep their own cultural heritage is charged as a racist---this can only breed an antagonism that many wish to aggravate for their own political advantage. By the way let's be fair: where were all these self righteous souls when white cops were being assassinated? Where was their outrage when the people of Fergeson had their businesses looted and burned? Or when major arteries of cities throughout the country were blocked by BLM? Shouldn't it be all lives matter? And, by the way, those in the womb, black, white or yellow, aren't exempt either. Maybe we should grab that verse again that we seem to use to our convenience, but might it not be applicable now as well? Jugde not, for with what measure ye judge, ye shall be judged. And before we pick up a stone maybe we should stand for a moment in our neighbor's shoes, even if he is a poor white southerner who dares to love his heritage. And before we decry his heritage as not worth anything, may we look at our own heritages that, I scarce suggest, aren't so holy either.


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