Monday, August 14, 2017

Tired of Hollywood

If you are tired of the typical Hollywood fare these days check out the films produced by the Kendrick brothers of Sherwood Baptist Church under Provident Films. These talented brothers one day decided thaty they were tired of what Hollywood was feeding the country so they decided to try a hand at making their own films: the first being a low budget film called Flywheel. But what it lacked in glitz and Hollywood spophistication it made up in being a great story with surprisin...gly good acting and fine dialogue, and the Christian faith presented beautifully in all its redemptive power. Their next film called Facing the Giants with interwoven story lines of modern day Davids and Goliaths is untiringly uplifting, and the best highschool sports film I've ever seen. Then comes Fireproof, a wonderful lesson in love and what marriage really means; Courageous, a film depicting what fatherhood is when it is fueled with the faith of Christ. Warroom---I won't even suggest what this one is about for the wonder of this one is the ironic twist given the title. As for myself I can hardly wait for Sherwood's next film and will be one of the first in the ticket line. Hollywood take note: I think you would benefit more than a little by learning from this little Baptist church in the backwaters of Georgia.


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