Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Taking the Knee

Let the record stand that I wish to take the knee against the NFL players, owners , coaches. I had uncles serve in the Second World War and one, my Uncle Henry, didn't return from his service in the Pacific theater. I am tired of these devotees of the Frankfurt School (whether they know it or not) taking Christian symbols and endowing them with meaning antithetical to what they originally meant: the rainbow, and now kneeling or taking the knee. Taking the knee or genuflecting is what one does before the tabernachle where the Lord Almighty, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus in his body, blood, soul and divinity makes his home. This the only king we should be genuflecting for. Yet now another Christian symbol is to be twisted by those that seek to undermine and twist and rename so much of our traditions, our history. And I am disappointed in some of our religious shepherds who seem more concerned about the political questions of immigration (illegal) and climate change than about the mutilation and gender-confusing and indoctrination of grammar school children, the limb by limb removal of children from what was once, in a bygone time, to be the safest sanctuary in the world...the woman's womb. I am astonished we have fallen for so many lies from the Left who is no friend of tradition, no friend of the church of Jesus Christ. Such are on board with Marx's class division extending it to race and gender. I am astonished that we recite rebotically the rants of men like Saul Alinskey, Herbert Marcuse, Antonio Gramci while we seem to have forgotten the credo of Paul of Tarsus, Ignatius of Antioch, Augustine of Hippo. What I hope is that there still retains in some of our "heroes" of sport a willingness to stand for the flag that so many men have given their blood for. Until that time I for one have ceased to be a fan of the NFL and could now care less if another trophy comes to Boston.


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