The Latest Fashion: Victimhood
This, one of the themes of the Frankfurt School: a theory that would weaken and eventually mortally wound western society. May we dare ask whether the rise of the current fashion to share one's victimhood something to do with FS's agenda? I wonder to what purpose all this claim against the past? Might one of the results possibly be the stereotyping of the offending group? Whites, males, the rich? When I was at university the people outside of the protection of the new sacrosanct law against stereotyping were known by the telling acronym WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant); another closely associated group which also fell under the secularist judgment included Catholics like Christopher Columbus and was known by the pejorative "dead white European males". Currently we see the new stereotypes applied to the Tea Party, those in the South (and North also) who resent the cultural cleansing, those who support the President, those who resist taking the knee except before He to Whom genuflection is the appropriate response. To be a member of any one of these was and is to be immediately condemned as a misogynist male, a religious fundamentalist, a Jesus freak, a de facto imperialist (as if the self righteous critics on the Left don't have the trait of imperialism in their own souls.).. I must say that I find it curiously consoling that the professors who directed our self-righteous fury against these groups profess a puritanism that has seemed to come upon them suddenly, while I remember so vividly how they pushed so ardently for a society Heffnerian hedonistic. I have to wonder how those who defaulted to the darkness of debauchery have come to suddenly love the newly turned on light.
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