Thursday, October 12, 2017

"Boy" Scouts

I must finally congratulate the La Femme ideology for earning yet another merit badge for its overcoming the stereotype that just because a thing is called "Boy Scouts" that it must somehow be so intolerant and genderist to exclude girls. (Didn't we learn anything when we finally got sane and realized that bathrooms shouldn't be gender limited---how fascist can you get!). Yes, Feminism itself deserves this time a merit badge extraordinaire. It has earned it by its social justice intervention to overcome such intolerance and exclusiveness in its equalizing the terrible totalitarian domination of the Boy Scouts of America by boys. One can hardly imagine that in this day and age a single gender group could exclusively command a club as notoriously close-minded to not be open to both genders. And of course it goes without saying that efforts are now even underway for the compassionate inclusion of all 66 genders. Then one can only imagine the equality that will be practiced on those camp-outs (I've heard there is a move to get a man named Harvey to be the chaperone on these over-nighters). So thank you once again to that ideology that has done so much in the past decades to deliver us from such totalitarian testosterone that would in the end make---Venus forbid---a masculine man.


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