Saturday, September 30, 2017

Just a Little Couple Concessions...

I think we will be okay if we only make Christian bakers transgress their consciences to bake cakes for Alt Life style couplings, or we concede only a few southern statues to the new iconoclasts, give teachers the authority of gender assignment for our boys and girls, or we brand the totalitarian traditionalist, black or white, with the scarlet R, or accept the guilt offered us for the history of Caucasian cruelty,or refrain from preaching anything from the pulpit that doesn't fit the paradigm of nice---simply deleting from our Bibles white washed sepulchers and pit of vipers language, perhaps even getting rid of the stuffy appellation 'holy'; if we keep out of current catechesis anything about purity of heart as being a little too puritanical, prudish, and not in keeping with Heffnerian Christianity, if we just keep watching the disgruntled millionaires play their Sunday afternoon games, if we just placidly sit in our idling cars as roads are blocked; and don't dare see any of this as any kind of orchestrated anarchy, but only a genuine, heartfelt sudden concern for the brutality of the American Blue Shirts that have arisen out of a community-organized hate-free zones. Now that we have given such concessions I think things will be okay. We will be enjoying the pax Americana. Now back to my book, the Autobiography of Neville Chamberlin. It's really good.


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