Friday, September 29, 2017

The Coincidence of Cultural Marxism

I've noticed that many of my conservative comrades have concluded that the protesters have a legitimate gripe against this country. They will give the caveat that they agree that they did it in the wrong place and time. But I am puzzled. How did we suddenly wake to the fact that the country was so bigoted, so racist, so phobic? I didn't sense any of this under our previous president. And it seemed that the fact that we did have the previous president that we had might itself be exhibit A for the defense that we as a country might not be so Jim Crow (at least in spirit) as we are being charged. It has become from the media and so many venues a continuous charge.
Hmmm. If memory serves I don't remember any of the New England "Patriots" saying anything at the podium when they were holding up the Vince Lombardi after last year's Super Bowl that race relations were in desperate need of attention. It seemed then that black and white were real teammates. And I don't seem to recall any riotous demonstrations by Tea Party bigots over the campaign of Barack O'Bama. But now suddenly, one group has become oppressors and the other the oppressed. Suddenly there are NFL protests, the taking down of southern monuments, the defacing of Christopher Columbus statues, the riotous protesters against Trump rallies. And yes, I want to claim myself to be a conspiracy theorist. The hatred and vitriol is too orchestrated, too choreographed. Is there a chance that it might just be a Sorosian narrative? Might it just be that Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals has at last been realized and its cultural marxism crept out of the closet?


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