Saturday, December 16, 2017

Sweet Home Alabama

So there is a post going around "Sweet Home Alabama". It is in praise for a state for turning its back on a man they deemed unworthy of their own Pharisaical purity. Even after forgeries were discovered done by the accuser the charge is believed even more I think than those passages where Our Lord talks about the world calumniating the Christian for his own name's sake. Here on one side is a man who made the unpopular stance---even at the cost of career as a judge---to bravely resist the continual deleting of God from our culture in his resistance to the removal of a monument to the 10 commandments. I can't help but wonder how is it so many Catholics and Protestants alike, priests, ministers, and layman, are more willing for a man that votes for the termination of children in the womb over a man that the Left has successfully calumniated with hackneyed harassment claims. Instead as conservatives we should be ashamed how conservative Alabama went. The turn of the crowd against Christ and for Barabbas seems even more real to me after seeing such a post in praise of "Sweet Home Alabama" after their choice for an even more secularized culture. And as to harassment, isn't the worst form of it for a strange doctor to invade a woman's womb with his forceps?


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