Monday, December 11, 2017

What If? (The Bombing at the NY Port Authority)

I sometimes like to ask 'what if?' What if the explosive device was a little more potent? Say it had the capacity of sending shrapnel into people you actually knew and cared about and not just far away statistic-generic people you have never met? Say it had the capacity to be another 9/11---or even dwarf it had it been say a nuclear device? What it if this man had a name like, Patrick O'Shawnessy? or perhaps Richard Brookfield? and was a devout Catholic, or an on fire evangelical? Would the media be running with it as if this was the pure Hatred that they have created all their No Place for Hate zones over? And lastly, what will it take before we stop calling our President the R word because he dares to stop importing terrorism into this country? What if one day we can remember when bus terminals (as well as churches and casinos) weren't so dangerous as I guess they are today? And what if one day what I just wrote won't appear like hate speech by half the country?


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