Hailing Harassment
I find my social science curiosity is piqued in the volume of news hailing harassment from all corners. And all from the New Moralists ---does anybody see the irony? Irony in that this new phariseeism and harassment hunt is from the very culture-elite that have been preaching in favor of 'sexual misconduct' since the so called 'sexual revolution' and 'free love' and seek at every turn to expose children to inescapable sex---safe sex to be sure---which they could in no way be expected to abstain from---say since they came into that institution called marriage--well, something just doesn't seem to add up. I mean the free love folks are suddenly fanatical about shutting down this wonderful utopian world of what in the old days I can't imagine was at all so common---unless of course one took a Women's Studies course. And yet I believe such folk would still see that the sexual revolution was so necessary for our freedom from our repressing religions. Yes, I'm sure the New Moralists aren't trying to take down the freedom of fun without borders which they had fought so hard for. Yes, such freedoms of course must remain. Such things as casual hookups, friends with benefits, gender transformations, Delilah dress.
All this to say, something strikes me as not fitting what I would expect. I feel a Columbo question coming on. You know we have this sudden crusade for---well not purity---this idea seems not in the vocabulary of the New Moralists---I guess one could advocate for say, harassment free zones. Kind of in the same way that we have created much needed hate free zones. Yes, when harassment has risen to such heights it is good to know that we have the New Moralists making sure we behave ourselves. Didn't we not long ago have a similar crusade against bullying? It is certainly bracing for the spirit to see how we are being directed to be righteous which was at one time long ago religion's domain.
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