Thursday, November 30, 2017

Cultural Confusion I Confess

I confess to being confused---no doubt my idealogical adversaries will welcome such an admission---and perhaps make good use of it...nonetheless, what I am confused about and perhaps you can help me, is our sudden puritanical chaste culture that advertises "Truvado" (is it just a linguistic coincidence it sounds like a marriage of 'true' and 'bravado'?) an HIV prevention drug and then the accompanying video proceeds to show two young black men rubbing each other's hands in not so much a brotherly manner if you know what I mean---actually even a man and woman wouldn't have been allowed to be so portrayed in our previous repressed Victorian times.
So I again confess I am confused. I wonder if our culture is suddenly schizophrenic. Or could even something more insidious be going on? The suddenness of the great avalanche of righteousness leveled against the 'sexual misconduct' ---even outside the boundaries of any statutes of limitations---has me rubbing my chin. Claims of harassment have seemed to become quite the fashion. I might have expected such a fight for purity to have come out of perhaps the Religious Right or Jerry Falwell's church, or a Fulton Sheen kind of orthodox bishop; but from the Heffnarian hedonistic bishops of the Left is not what I expected. Maybe it is because I've just been reading too much about Newspeak in Orwell's prophecy. Thus, I might have become a little too oversensitive to it---maybe there really isn't no manipulation of language. But I can't help be puzzled at the word 'harassment' now in many minds, especially how it has morphed into a synonym of 'rape'. I wish I had paid more attention to my linguistics because I thought that the one word Is fairly vague and comprising everything from nodding a hello, asking a phone number/ email, smiling at, winking at, and of course the more egregious offences; and 'rape' on the other hand is a rather specific act and crime. I just wonder what is happening with language. But at least we have gotten a little break in the sudden proliferation of 'harassment' and haven't heard the recent catchwords 'racism' and 'racist' in well it seems a heck of a long time. Yes, even after this rant I confess I am still confused.


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