Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Mass Walkout by Students

Alas, today a mass walkout by students. I find it interesting that the previous mass shooting was a baptist church and before that a casino and neither churches or casinos staged walkouts over the lack of effort to delete the second amendment. Hmmm... I just have to suspect the organizing of students because one: I admit to being a conspiracy theorist---I think even high school students would admit to sometimes conspiring say, to get a better grade or get into a preferred college; or perhaps boys conspiring in how to ask a certain girl out, or girls conspiring in how to get noticed by a certain boy while not appearing at all interested. Anyhow, all that to say, conspiracies happen and thus I don't see any reason why those who wish to undermine the Constitution would not seek ways to do so, even in the use of children in which to get their agenda across. (I realize this last charge of mine is a difficult one to believe---the idea of using children for political means...) Regardless of whether the Left would ever stoop to such a low, I must ask whether it seems at all likely that emotion be used as a lever---especially in our age that lacks logic? I have even suspected conspiracies in the fetish there seems in our day with 'movements'...the Me-Too movement, the Climate Change (aka Global Warming) movement, the Racism is Rife movement, Immigration and No Borders movement---all however it seems weren't quite strong enough to capture the adolescent's preoccupation from his and her smart phone...until...this most recent shooting which happened to be at a school instead of a baptist church or a casino. But does it strike anyone as the oddest thing that the NRA or Donald J. Trump, or the Tea Party incurred more adolescent (here I include adults as well) wrath than the actual perpetrator himself? I suppose I will not be surprised that these same self-righteous advocates for social justice, the new secular crusaders who wish to crucify the NRA, Donald J. Trump, the Tea Party will I predict fight to the utmost for the sparing of Nicholas Cruz from the death penalty, this fellow who with his own finger and his own aim and his own mind turned a neutral gun into a malevolent means to end the lives of as many as he could. Yes, they who would, at least in their tolerant diverse compassionate spirits seek the crucifixion of members of the NRA and those conservatives that still think the Constitution is important and shouldn't be meddled with would I suspect fight against Cruz's death penalty as cruel and unusual. Such is indeed the schizophrenia of the Left.
I do not blame the kids. They are being played upon. Their emotions are being employed to enlist them as a standing army against the present administration. These community organizers are organizing these kids, perhaps your own kids, into little Saul Alinsky radicals. One question had I a chance I would ask these kids. Should you call 911 against someone with ill intent who has entered your place, whether school, church, or casino would one of the things you would hope the rescuing police to have--- be, by any chance, a gun? And why?


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