Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Left's Fickle Friendship

Now we have the Left trying to portray President Trump as weak and even treasonous for his summit with Vladimir Putin. I am quite amazed at the Left's fickleness in their friendship. If we only had memories that lasted more than the latest ideological fashion the Left would remember their great friendship with the USSR--oh, yeah, that was when Soviet Russia was Soviet. It was when the country had gulags and Pravda. Now that they are moving more and more away from their communistic past and toward welcoming Christianity back to their country the Leftist once staunch loyalty has become an object of hatred. And what I think disturbs the Left more about their one time bosom ideological friend is that he is not allowing what once were held as various sexual aberrations that through the Pravda of our own country are coming to be accepted and celebrated to overtake their own culture. Could this be what is really the primary motivations for their hatred? I wonder. I can easily imagine if they could they would circumnavigate their one time friend (who they now so hate) with a "NO PLACE FOR HATE" sign. Does anyone wonder at the fickleness in this one time adoration? Of course it all makes sense this Leftist disloyalty to their mother country: Russia is after all now no longer the USSR---and the fact that they, the Left in our own country, seek to make us another USSR this seems a treason of her one time friend. Things seem terribly wrong for this one time ideological ally returning to what is anathema for them: the orthodox path where God, rather than man, is on the throne. Yes, I can understand now why the Left so fumes over the terrible fickleness of what seemed a friendship that would last under the watchful gaze of their true love, a very different Vladimir, Vladimir Lenin.


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