Saturday, June 16, 2018

I Remember the Days

For Father's Day: I remember the days parking at the State Police Barracks by the Museum of Science and walking over to the Garden with a boy's expectancy to see the Bruins. And I remember passing in the tickets and jumping the stairs not to miss a thing, and to hear over the speakers, "Goal Number Four, Orr, assist..." Ah, we missed it! And then to get our seats in the aisle---and many did this---and the ushers walking the perimeter of the Garden knew this as well, and they would motion us out of the aisle and up the walkway. He would leave and every one of us aisle-sittings would take up residence again in these which seemed the best seats anyone could have. Yet, we kept an eye on seats that were still unclaimed by the end of the second period and we'd make our way down to them...or sometimes just stay put. That was fine, because there in front of you, Dad, I was safe and so full of happiness with you shouting behind me that there must be something like aisle seats and hockey in heaven.


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