Wednesday, September 11, 2019

18 Years Ago Some People Did Something

18 years ago some people did something. And of course since 1972 some people on the Court did something and since then Parenting and Family Helpers like Planned Parenthood have staff people that are doing something, doing it in nice clean clinics with nice clean forceps with the sanction and applause of some people in Congress who always seem to be doing something. In 1941 I believe FDR might have announced over the radio that some people did something in a place called Pearl Harbor. I also believe Winston Churchill in the late 1930's was afraid that some people were doing something in Dunkirk. I also seem to recall that in September 1939 the country of Poland was very aware some people from some neighboring country were doing something to their borders which were intolerantly not the open kind so you can hardly blame some people for using a little force when one has un-accommodating borders. And farther back in the 18th century some ship commandeered by Captain John Newton was involved in doing something. And perhaps in the great fall of the Roman Empire the Romans came upon the idea that some people from the North were approaching and about to do something. And perhaps the Trojan Horse that entered Troy had some people (bearing gifts no doubt) in it and were anxious to do something (bestowing those gifts no doubt) when they got inside; and on a less colossal scale Caesar realized his best friend Brutus did something with something that caused him to remark "Et tu Brute?" And it seems that the Old and New Testament writers could've saved a lot of effort if they had only said, "Back in the Old, someone did something to his brother, Abel, and then in the New, Someone came along and did something on a place called Calvary to make up for all the people that are doing something.


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