Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Covid Crisis and Open Boarders

Sometimes I wonder how serious can we be about masks and "social" distancing and the whole Covid crisis if we not only have, but even encourage, caravans of possible Covid carriers to come across our cheesecloth borders freely. The idea of wanting to prohibit actual citizens from coming from the open state of Florida into the lock down states and yet throwing the gates open on the southern boarder to non-citizens seems to me a bit odd and plants the suspicion that our overseers pushing this pandemic really don't believe in it as they wish us to believe. I can't help but wonder how a travel ban from Florida and a travel pass from Central America and the Islamic terrorist hot spots is consistant? Am I just hopelessly not correctly formed by my neighbors' compassionate heart emo lawn signs? Too much influenced by science deniers? Not adequately tuning into settled science informants? And lastly not taking the most virtuous example of Dr. Jill Biden's use of Unity Hearts decorating the White House Lawn? These must be the reasons I am so flumoxed about the new found Faucian faith.


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