Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Visit to Grafton

Coming from a few days visit to my friends, the Kellers. It was great to see them all, and enjoy talk with my friends' son, Jack, on physics and math (I did little of the talking due to a paucity of knowledge on either of those two intricate fields of intellectual endeavor), perusing the grand organic garden of their daughter, Holly, who had rhubarb, squash, tomatoes, peppers for vegetables; blueberries for fruit; and peonies, roses, forget-me-nots, daisies, for flowers. And then for Max, their youngest son, who interviewed me as the celebrated G.K. Chesterton for his school project---well it was quite a good few days, not to mention that there were indeed bluebirds living in the birdhouse where we both surmised a new generation of bluebirds were being cared for and kept warm in their oval shells---and I believe John is now as hooked as I am to binoculars and gazing at birds as if they were just the thing to feed the eyes with winged flight, perched color, and music for the ears.


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