Faith in Mankind?
Can it be that even after the events in Paris that one can still say, "I put my faith in mankind."?Mankind seems the last place anyone would place such a trust. As C.S. Lewis once remarked man suffers from a kind of curvature of soul. With the events that we are witnessing it seems on a daily basis whether school shootings or coordinated bombings, unconstitutional leaders who continually divide us as a people with their subtle inuendos as if they really did wish to unite, innocents losing their innocence not in institutions of higher learning but as early as kindergarten, when the sacred sanctuary of motherhood would become one of the most dangerous habitats for a newly formed human, when we have come to change our own ordained biologies and that this becomes the new herosim---well I have to wonder at the reasoning process in one who seeks to place his faith in the kind of being that is man
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