Andrew Jackson the Latest Casualty
My two cents, or my twenty, for what it's worth on the deletion of Andrew Jackson to be replaced with Harriet Tubman.
Let me first say, I don't have anything against Miss Tubman. But I do have something against the politically correct conformity that has infected everything in our society from Civil War monuments to the St Andrew's Flag, to the sanitizing of speech, to the boycotting of states for bathroom 'discrimination' (boy! how that word really has been worked!)...I beli...eve this yet new issue of taking down a monument which our currency is is the same motive of the current fashion of calumniating Columbus, Jefferson, Washington...Jackson was just the easiest to topple and you will see as with the recent taking down of the politically incorrect monuments, the taking down of any white anglo-saxon protestant (or Catholic) male of history, the bending over backwards of what saner times would've called insanity, perversion, disorder. I saw the leftist bigotry beginning in my college days demonizing dead white european males and the WASP (the acronym tell us anything?). Is it really far-fetched to see that our history will be eventually completely revisioned to falsely fit the modernist multiculturalism of the present day? Has anyone dared to wonder that this precedent of replacing a historical figure could---oh, conspiracy conspiracy!---be at least partly orchestrated so Barack will get his stage in the not too distant future?
With this precedent it won't be too long down the road where Washington and Jefferson will go (who remembers Washington's birthday?). Well, instead of Obama on the One give me Geronimo. Talk about someone who has been slighted! He was the chief of the entire Apache Nation (I don't believe they were confused about manhood and womanhood). Obama was merely chief of the confused states (except for NC) of modern America.
Let me first say, I don't have anything against Miss Tubman. But I do have something against the politically correct conformity that has infected everything in our society from Civil War monuments to the St Andrew's Flag, to the sanitizing of speech, to the boycotting of states for bathroom 'discrimination' (boy! how that word really has been worked!)...I beli...eve this yet new issue of taking down a monument which our currency is is the same motive of the current fashion of calumniating Columbus, Jefferson, Washington...Jackson was just the easiest to topple and you will see as with the recent taking down of the politically incorrect monuments, the taking down of any white anglo-saxon protestant (or Catholic) male of history, the bending over backwards of what saner times would've called insanity, perversion, disorder. I saw the leftist bigotry beginning in my college days demonizing dead white european males and the WASP (the acronym tell us anything?). Is it really far-fetched to see that our history will be eventually completely revisioned to falsely fit the modernist multiculturalism of the present day? Has anyone dared to wonder that this precedent of replacing a historical figure could---oh, conspiracy conspiracy!---be at least partly orchestrated so Barack will get his stage in the not too distant future?
With this precedent it won't be too long down the road where Washington and Jefferson will go (who remembers Washington's birthday?). Well, instead of Obama on the One give me Geronimo. Talk about someone who has been slighted! He was the chief of the entire Apache Nation (I don't believe they were confused about manhood and womanhood). Obama was merely chief of the confused states (except for NC) of modern America.
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