Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Linguistic Harassment, Linguistic Abuse

I don't use much of what I find are the artificially induced political language that is all in vogue. Words such as "harassment" and "abuse" are vague and I fear they are purposely so so as to stigmatize with a broad brush. I mean what is harassment after all? Is it an unwanted hug, a mere 'hello' to someone who you wish to just share a happy smile with? Is it the blitzkrieg of one's body by another? Is it a violent assault of one's virginity? Is it a stalking, a simple greeting at a water-cooler? Is it merely a look and beholding God's exquisite handiwork in framing a lovely face? and does the spectrum of meaning go all the way to the most violent invasions over the autonomy one should have over one's body? The same really goes for the word, "abuse". All this to say we already have words that are much more definitively descriptive of an action and leave no room for a liberal interpretation. We all know the older words. Why these new coinages I wonder? Might there be other reasons other than mere description involved? I mean when I hear the sentence "The man was suspected of child abuse," or "The woman put a complaint into the court of sexual harassment" I for the life of me have no idea what the crime is or if it was even a crime. Whether on the one hand a parent spanked a child, or kept his child in solitary confinement in a basement where his only company for months were spiders and sowbugs. As to harassment I have no idea whether it was a unwanted request for a date by a man who had a pimply face and a pale complexion or whether it was a pervert (can we still use this word?) who opened a raincoat? Or even worse.


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