A Couple of Theses on the Doors of Wittenberg
Beware of the World Meeting of Families coming to Ireland. It is touted as a time to strengthen the family. But the bishops the Pope is bringing, according to Mother Miriam Foundress of Daughters of Israel's Hope, are all 'progressive' bishops, not at all in line with traditional teaching. It appears to me that the Church, by which I mean the status quo Vatican, is doing much to confuse and actually undermine Tradition and biblical mandates. The latest instance of this is the Pope's announcement to change the Catechism saying something the Church never has, to my knowledge, in her long magistorial history said: that Capital Punishment is always inadmissible. Is this not a 'new' teaching, a novel one (also advocated by the Left before the Church took up the cause) which confuses guilty life and innocent life? All this while innocent womb-children are being dumped into dumpsters daily. Where is the outrage on this? But instead it is the rare case of capital punishment that must be the evil to concentrate on. The argument is that man has dignity as the imago Dei. Evidently the Pope thinks this dignity applies to the perpetrator---does this not contradict Scripture (cf. Gen. 9:6) and the magisterial history of the Church? Does it not rather seem that the argument of the dignity of the imago Dei corresponds to the person whose blood was spilled---at least if we are regarding Holy Writ rather than the fashion of our secular times. Otherwise is it that the true dignity of innocent life is not being shown the value it deserves? This respect for innocent in contrast to guilty life the Church has continually taught up until recent days. I think this tragic that such a focus of the Pope's and the world's attention is on the ridding of one of the most valuable deterrents we have for terrible crimes, terrible crimes against the dignity of, not the perpetrator, but the person perpetrated against. Is it not jesuitical to say that you are upholding the dignity of both? Hasn't one of the two forfeited his claim to come under the protective dignity of the imago Dei? And are we not in danger of out mercying God when we extend mercy without consequences in the most horrific of crimes?
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