Thoughts on Miss Ford at the Kavanaugh Hearings
Did anyone else get the feeling that Miss Ford for someone who so expressed her fearfulness at coming forward seemed quite without that emotion? Of course we were assured by Miss Feinstein that the accuser was not coached; nevertheless I have to think that the Victim seemed a little too unrattled, even psychologically polished---although I suppose when one has all the democrat (and even some republican) senators praising her courage, her Joan of Arc heroism, her 35 year old truth telling (no longer alleged accusations), and a prosecutor asking questions like she was speaking so as to not stir the least anxiety of a frightened child---besides the fact any question as to possible motive, i.e. political activism in the past, anti-Trump views, pro-abortion stance, was not asked seems quite unusual. Isn't ulterior motive a possibility? Perhaps some motive lurking in the background that could get someone to overcome such a great phobia as she kept expressing? Of course a sympathetic prosecutor could alleviate any anxiety and cause all these great iconic fears to melt away.
Also I just wondered at her emphasis on the fear. It seemed she was quite adept at reminding those at the hearing how she had and continued to fear the public exposure and the hearing, and after the horrible event the great anxiety affected her grades---not so much as to gain multiple degrees and a doctorate in psychology---and the resultant anxiety also encouraged a fear of flying---which seemed to be adequately overcome to travel with her family to many parts of the world. All this and just a general impression made me believe the fear was somehow a staged persona. What might have encouraged this belief was what seemed to me to be another part of the persona: over-niceness. There didn't seem the rage and anger I would have expected of someone who had bottled up such a secret of 35 years of what was allegedly (a missing adverb, by the way, in the democrat vocabulary) done to her. And then there were the occasional tears which seemed to come right on cue, when it seemed to me such sadness was able to be turned off too easily. Also it struck me how her memory could recall certain things very well, but didn't seem to remember things like where and when and how she got home; remembering clearly going into the bathroom across the hall when you would think after such a nightmarish experience she would've escaped this house of horrors at a Wilma Rudolph sprint
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