The Jane Fonda Megaphone
The media is one huge Jane Fonda megaphone. Never ceases to amaze me how many listen and mark down in their minds Hanoi Jane's ever repeating mantra as truth. The current border clash will of course be spun by this megaphone to make Trump and the border agents as the bullies; yes, bullies against women and children (forgetting of course to leave out the ninety and nine percent of the caravan population: the young metamorphically armed males) who have (it will be asserted) a constitutional right (ironically by those who don't believe in the Constitution) to stake a claim beyond the border. It is history repeating a good heresy again: make an invasion look like an immigration. Make bad guys into the good and the good into the bad. Edit out the metamorphic projectiles and accent the tear gas. The Hanoi Jane media network knows how to convey it. After all I remember now how it was the Viet Cong that were the virtuous ones.
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