Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Mid Term Elections and St Paul's Admonition

It was a gut-kick hearing from one of the daily communicant's that Elizabeth Warren kept her senate seat in last night's election. I then went into the church and as I sat there for the epistle reading from St Paul I remembered one of the things the Apostle said:  "Rejoice alway, and yet again I say, Rejoice".  I began to reflect on this admonition of joy. How courageous it was, especially considering it all in the context of the reign of Nero. Must we as well have such Pauline courage for our own political and social times that seem on like trajectory as decadent Roman Empire.  Oh, yes, there was the good news of the senate to be sure, but this seemed not adequate enough consolation as I mused about all the contrived crimes and investigations that will be the daily delight under a democratic House. Yet I heard again and a little more forcefully as the liturgy progressed: "Rejoice alway, and again I say rejoice!" And this was followed up with something I've always liked from Robert Browning: "God is in His heaven and all is right with the world." Thus as I was strengthened by the Great Consoler I wish to pass this little reflection on to you, my friends. I'm reminded too what Isaiah says: "the Nations are to Him as a drop in the bucket"---and this includes the ME TOO movement, the caravan, the Russian collusion hoax, the social engineering, the calumnious accusations and bearing false witness, the educating the old virtues into the new vices and the old vices into the new virtues. But let us take a note from Calvin here. Though I think much of his theology mistaken and inordinate, yet his pen ran with true ink when he emphasized the sovereignty of God. Yes, indeed. And this truth must be the ballast and rejoicing of our souls. May it be so.


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