Friday, September 28, 2018

The Totalitarian Trajectory

What are we going to do now? Every post of any significance will now go back (how long?) into one's past...perhaps gradeschool? Perhaps grammar school report cards will be up for genuine evidence to delete one from the short list. Or even to prosecute. Perhaps Tom Sawyer dipping a pigtail in the inkwell will be an act of boyish aggression and considered the untolerated beginnings of chauvinistic tendencies. Fellow citizens: don't you see what is happening? Many I know do, but many do not. We are falling into becoming a Soviet style state. We will not be able to trust anyone or any situation. We will not trust even the passage of time to dull the memory of our youthful stupidities. We will not trust any relationship. We will not even trust our friends. We will not even trust our spouse. We will continually be looking over our shoulders. We will be continually revising our diaries and journals. We will be deleting any incriminating thoughts from our minds. We will be afraid to tell anyone our dreams. We will be afraid of having any unorthodox opinion. We will not reveal our beliefs. We will look around for the video camera when we enter a church (if there will be such things). We will be afraid to pray. We will become in the end bland flavorless souls, a withered people afraid to say anything worth saying. We will in the end be people who believe every lie because the truth will be too dangerous. That is the society the trajectory leads to. Unless we fight it while we can.


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