Friday, October 26, 2018

The Benign Pipe Bombs to the Dozen Democrats

I can't help thinking that somehow the dems are in on these dozen plastic pipe bombs sent to a dozen leading democrats. I suppose my only excuse for believing this conspiracy theory (I believe and have always believed that conspiracies do happen but that they are more common than we may think) is that again as with the Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels, Blassey Ford, the Caravan, it is just the timing. But not only the mid-term timing but also other details.One in particular: of course we are relieved none of the bombs went off. But doesn't this seem odd? Aren't the purpose of bombs that they do in fact go off? Again all good people are grateful that none of them did---yet still it is an oddity, an aberration as to what bombs normally do. They explode. And the fact that zero out of twelve did what bombs normally do makes me just a tad suspicious as to the manufacturer's intent. (I must confess to the fault of being suspicious of the democrats because of their recent history of creating crisis. Global warming that morphed into the unarguable climate change; holes in the ozone layer; the claim by the democrat senators that a sexual degenerate from highschool is 36 years later, considered for the Court; Trump himself deemed to be the deplorables' Mein Fuhrer and will summarily be impeached when the dems get the House in November; the utterly objective media that continually smears with indelible ink anyone willing to fight the secular orthodoxy; the political correctness that has finally taken a totalitarian tone; the appeal to take in a primarily young male caravan (some might call it an army) of thousands from Honduras who are somehow organized and funded and provided for by some overlord who just might have an agenda. Again the timing is the detail that gives me the greatest pause: the pause that considers at least a possibility, perhaps even slim, perhaps hardly imaginable, that the Left might be just conspitorial enough to send these benign packages to themselves, or have someone they handpick send them. I could of course be wrong; but like Columbo, I had to come back to the scene of the crime and ask the question


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