Well. Justice.
Well. Justice. A three year attempted coup called "collusion" (did any of us even hear this word before?); and now that collusion hasn't performed the coup we'll try something else and morph the charge into "obstruction of justice."-- perhaps this is something like how "global warming" morphs into "climate change".
Well. Justice. stage a HATE CRIME which of course is only staged to further one's acting career. It has nothing to do with deceit. Nothing to do with rubbing racism back into the fabric so indelibly that the stain will not come out. Nothing that should incur a prison sentence. But this after all isn't Russian collusion so we can drop the charges.
Well Justice. Inquisition a Supreme Court Justice by ME TOO inquisitors. You can do this because the charged is a white privileged male. And you can especially do this if you have a poor unprivileged victimized psychology female professor who is willing to stage a Tony Award performance before a like-minded audience of open-minded tolerant anti-patriarchal Dems who are certainly on the side of democrat facts when they collide with republican fiction.
Justice comes from the Greek δικαιοσύνη. Another translation is righteousness. It is one of the primary characteristics of God. Perhaps our country has gotten into such a Justice confusion because we have exiled God to a faraway Gulag and put in Divine Justice's place the model of a human Jussie.
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