Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Electoral College and the Popular Vote

Have you ever played a game with someone and because you were winning and won, your opponent wished to change the rules to put the game in his favor? Well...Changing the electoral college to the popular vote just happens to be one of those rules that your opponent wishes to change. Of course there was good reason for this rule (as with most rules that give a game its gameness). The reason is that without it the urban centers like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles would end up electing the President and places like Montana, Idaho, Mississippi, the Carolinas, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, North and South Dakota, Utah would in essence have no say. The electoral college ensures that each state is represented in deciding the presidency. This idea of state representation is why each state no matter how big or how small gets two senators. To monkey with the machine of our electoral process just because you still can't take Hillary's humiliation is simply a hubris that would tip the game board over rather than lose with grace. We used to call this being a spoiled brat. But I guess I would be branded a bratophobe for even thinking such a thing.


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