Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Birth Strike

Well if things from the Left could not get any crazier we now have the advocates of the latest craze: birth-strike. The catalyst for such a movement no doubt was AOC's advice for people to stop having children---after all doesn't everyone now know that the earth really can't sustain an overabundance of urchins? (But of course compassion for border children is a different matter entirely). But what are we to make of this latest brilliant idea of the Left? Could it be that this new assault on motherhood is just some more "virtue signalling", a high five to the ideology of Planned Parenthood, an applauding of abortion in all its stages, a final acceptance of the final solution of feminism? One must admit the family has fallen on hard times. This once unquestioned foundation of society must now be unmade. Do any of us really wish to follow this trajectory? In the end I'm afraid it will make China's one child policy appear as most generous. If our own cultural elite have their way we, the propagandized, will have, perhaps even embrace, a no child policy. Of course such policy will be given the phobic spin that because of the immanent death of the world from "climate change" the carbon footprint of children is something that could be charitably deleted. You see Planned Parenthood has taught us well. Babies are expendable unnecessary burdens on mother earth. Just as an aside isn't 'mother' earth a little ironic seeing that motherhood and children are passe now especially in our new era of birth strike? On second thought birth strike may not be so detrimental if it becomes an adopted platform rigorously practiced by the Planned Parenthood party.


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