Yet Another "Conversation"
I have to wonder what oppressed world our librarian must be living in. As I was reading "Lord of the World", a dystopia by Robert Hugh Benson, the library custodian came into the reading room with all these set-up chairs. Alas, a lecture! Would it be the one that repeats and repeats like a bad stylus skipping on vinyl? Conversations About Race. We've had so many that should you miss one you will be able to get unbigoted on another soon. Of course these lectures are so needed in this coastal community which I must conclude must certainly be a Jim Crow HATE ZONE. At the least our town is a little too caucasian for the caravan caucasians who will no doubt be arriving in their Cortez Green New Deal hybrid cars (these aren't junkers which I would think the non-privileged would own). But I just hoped for a second that maybe the stylus was able just this once to get to another track? Perhaps instead of finding out how Anti is America, we might just this once have a showing of a black and white Frank Capra Film, say "It's a Wonderful Life" or the patriotic "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" but I suppose such films express an America that is against the true narrative we are given. But no. When I got to the front desk there was the advertisement: By golly, another "Conversation"...
Well I suppose I should really stop resisting. I should root out all my ancestral racism that must have certainly accumulated, at compound interest no doubt. It's obvious in my lack of melatonin and in my MAGA hat. So my keep up with our tolerant times I could remedy my terrible lack of awareness (don't you just love this word?) for social justice and start subscribing for my race reports from the impartial outlets--- CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, New York Times, Al Sharpton, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, and of course (how can I forget?) that Social Justice Warrior extraordinaire,Jussie Smollett. Besides listening to these truthfully tolerant and diversity voices I should plan on attending all these Conversations. Next week's will even be different (just for a little diversity): "Conversation about Collusion." Unfortunately, I think I'm busy that night but I'm sure there will be a replay. The stylus has a lot of skip still in it.
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