Saturday, February 16, 2019

Response to a "Feminist Grandmother"

Many, I'm afraid, adopt such a feminist moniker today thinking that the label is a way of alerting others that one is on the side of women; or that the early feminists were a good lot of idealistic folk and that the later more radical version hijacked the term and corrupted the more positive pristine ideology. I think this is a disastrous confusion. The later feminists didn't actually hijack the term. It is a term that represents a particular ideology, potently insidious, just like Nazism, Communism...(in fact the early feminists were influenced by Marx. They simply applied "class division" to gender.) My point is that the word feminist has ideological overtones and comes from a genesis that is not very good. In equating the term with "femininity" and "woman", it is at least redundant: we already have "femininity" and "woman" two terms we already can use wedded to the adjective "authentic". Imagine I applaud myself as being part German by calling myself an "Original Nazi" or a "Christian Nazi German Socialist" thinking I am redeeming the N-term from what it came to eventually mean. Gloria Steinhem and Hillary Rodham and Simone de Beauvoir are just the fruit of the original feminists. I would advocate rather for "authentic femininity" or "true womanhood" as a foil against the feminist lie that they are the representative and advocate of a better womankind.


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