Saturday, February 23, 2019

Walls and Wildlife

One of my friends who happens to be of the liberal persuasion is against the wall. She is against it not for the typical reasons compassionate leftists give. No. She is against it because it will prevent the migration of wildlife. As I do she has a heart for animals. I tried to reassure her that there will not be a problem at all for deer and muskrats and cougars and tarantulas and all other beasts of the field. Why do you not think so?" she asks incredulously. I thought back to my having been educated on the subject by such brilliant prognosticators as Miss Pelosi or Mr. Schumer and told her that it is well documented that Walls don't work. "They don't?" she asked, a little doubtfully. It seemed my own assurances didn't carry much weight so I enlisted my allies. "The Democrats all back this settled science," I told her. Nancy and Chuck have been telling us this repeatedly. She waited a moment. Then she announced confidently: "Well in that case my anxieties have been assuaged! I am quite relieved." I wanted to further her feeling of well being for the creatures great and small so I went on: "Another reason walls don't work is there are such things as tunneling. All you need is have gophers lead the pack. They will tunnel under the wall and all the wildlife will certainly follow. The tarantulas of course will climb. So all will be well." My liberal friend left with such happy assurance that she skipped away. I was overcome with gladness to be of help to my friend's unsettled conscience in my own little way. But it was really those who convinced me that should be thanked. I never knew there were so many wall experts out there. All I can hope is that my friend retains the democratic belief that our ancestors were quite ignorant in thinking that walls worked and that borders were anything but the worst kind of bad.


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