Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Bracing Bicycle Ride and Global Warming

It makes me wonder when terms change. When "Global Warming" morphs into "Climate Change" and then bears such illegitimate children as "Climate Justice". There is nothing that braces you against such things as a bicycle ride in a frosty forty mile an hour wind. A wind that stops your wheels at the Beverly Bridge that bows upward high enough to accommodate battleships it seems. Anyhow I stay with the original terms. I stick with "Global Warming". Could it be that such a phrase was becoming embarrassing? Why isn't it still a world where winter seems in quite little danger of becoming extinct or even an endangered species? Rather winter seems on days like today to be very much alive and thriving; and it wouldn't surprise me to hear that layers of ice are being added rather than subtracted to the polar ice caps in spite of all the settled science that gives us just twelve years to get our act together to unthaw the Arctic.


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