Tuesday, June 25, 2019

How "Clean" are Windmills?

Here at Gordon College I notice one of the art exhibits. The photograph is of a California snow-capped mountain range. In the foreground is an army of stainless steel windmills. The caption is praising California for being a leader in renewable and clean energy. I wonder a couple of things. First there seems no sense of a loss of anything at the expense of renewable energy. Why, couldn't one at least acknowledge there is a loss of primeval beauty of the mountain range with a litter of steel turbines? Wasn't there even a sense that "clean" energy was worth the unwildernessing the wilderness? Clearly littering of the most beautiful places is worth it as long as I have my central air. And then there was of course the faith statement of wind being sufficient to accommodate all the hair and clothes dryers, the air conditioners, the electric planes, the electric cars and semis, the electric toothbrushes, the electric ocean liners, that will be well satisfied by California's initiative. Shouldn't at least there be even a solitary volt of agnosticism about this in academe where science should not be so stagnant and settled but living enough to be continuously unsettled?


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