Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Laxity of Libraries and My Rising Fear

I am at the library. No masks. No one wipes the keyboard letters I tap with my fingers that could possibly be harboring corona. I don't quite feel safe in such laxity. No doubt it is because of Trump. After all Trump seems to breed crises: collusion, climate, corona. I think I hear you scoff at such a paranoia. But you don't understand: To my very left only a few feet away are tutors teaching kids at untreated tables. This is not even to say that thousands and thousands of books on bookshelves I have no reason to suspect have been sterilized... page by page. Thus you can imagine my fear. I'm sure if they had holy founts here and conscientious UCCB administrators the founts would be dry and safe. But no, here in this secular fortress the measures for the preservation of our precarious mortalities is not looked after. Why, with every tap of any of the possibly infected twenty-six letters on the keyboard my fear rises as surely as the climate changing high tides. And now I look. The tutor is playing a card game with his student! They each touch the playing cards with such a nonchalance that is maddening in our present pandemic. Don't they understand the danger?


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